Planned Giving

A planned gift to The Global FoodBanking Network can ensure your impact lasts beyond your lifetime. By including a charitable contribution in your estate or financial plan, you are ensuring that food banks will have the resources they need for years to come.
coral circle
volunteer food items

Getting Started

It’s never too early to start thinking about your financial future, and making a planned gift is one of the most effective ways you can make a lasting impact. You can turn your compassion into action and set an example for others by remembering The Global FoodBanking Network in your will, trust, or other planned gift. Your generosity will have a lasting impact!

Making your will is one of the most important steps you can take to toward financial preparedness. With one easy step, you can create a gift to GFN in your will or living trust. This type of gift, called a bequest, is flexible and allows you to continue your support far into the future. It may be modified throughout your lifetime, allowing you to provide for both family and the causes near to your heart, in the exact way you would prefer, even if that way changes over time.

You can fund your donation with:

  • Cash
  • Appreciated Securities
  • Real Estate
  • Tangible Personal Property
  • Closely Held Stock

Sample Will Language

Legal name: The Global FoodBanking Network
Address: 70 E. Lake Street, Suite 1200, Chicago, IL 60601
Tax ID: 20-4268851

“I give and bequeath to The Global FoodBanking Network, 70 E. Lake Street, Suite 1200, Chicago, IL 60601 [the sum of __________ Dollars ($____)] [ _______ % of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate], to be used for its general charitable purposes.”

Other Ways to Give

A planned gift offers you many potential advantages: the opportunity to increase spendable income, the elimination or reduction of capital gain taxes, and possibly federal and state estate tax savings. In addition to wills and living trusts, beneficiary designation, and charitable gift annuities, there are several more ways you can establish a legacy at The Global FoodBanking Network. Talk to your financial or legal advisor for advice on the many ways you can include GFN in your estate planning:

  • Charitable Remainder Trusts
  • Charitable Lead Trusts
  • Give From Your IRA
  • Real Estate
  • Donor Advised Funds

Contact Us

Contact us with questions or to make your gift to nourish the world’s hungry.

To notify us of your gift intention or to request more information please contact us at